Activity log

11 March 2019: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray. Items included: land between Rose Cottages and Dumfries Cottages, St James Road, application to build two semidetached dwellings. (concerns expressed over excessive development on an already narrow, congested road).

6 March 2019: Fleet Integrated Care Centre

Meeting about changes planned for Fleet Hospital. Society represented by John Pearson and Jenny Radley

21 February 2019: FACC meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. Reports about a step-up in flight movements over the past year, changes to complaints reports and delay in Airspace Change process, due to Judicial Review called by Lasham Gliding Society over the decision made by the CAA. The Review is due to be heard in early June 2019. Further public exhibitions are due to take place in the summer, if the review is not upheld.

25 February 2019: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Meeting monitored by Colin Gray. Items included: 160 Fleet Road rear extension to retail unit and conversion of first & second floors to one one-bed and one two-bed flats; offices at One Fleet, Ancells Road, for change of use to create 28 units of flatted development; offices at Regus Centaur House, Ancells Road for change of use to create 38 units of flatted development. FTC regretted further loss of employment land to residential.

17 February 2019: Road names in Hartland Park

John Pearson writes to Cllr Dai Pierce at Fleet Town Council, on behalf of the Society, to suggest that one of the roads is named after the Society’s late Chairman David Fearn.

19 February 2019: FCCS Committee meeting

Matters discussed included AGM arrangements and the Society’s request for a street at Hartland Park to be named after former FCCS chairman Dr David Fearn.

11 February 2019: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Monitored by Colin Gray. Items included: 141–145 Clarence Road, Red Cross building, to demolish and build two blocks of 8 two-bed flats (objections raised as out of keeping with street scene and inadequate car parking);. land at 220–232 Fleet Road infill to add 2 two-bed flats and extension to 232, a total of 8 two-bed flats; 45 Basingbourne Road single rear & first floor front extensions & rendering of brickwork (objections as rendering out of character for the area and scale of new extensions excessive for this area).

6 February 2019: Fleet Town Council meeting

Society represented by John Pearson. Reports regarding the latest plans for the future of The Harlington were tabled and noted.

5 February 2019: Esso replacement pipeline public information evening

Society represented by Phil Gower. See for more information and interactive maps.

24 January 2019: Hartland Park stakeholder meeting

Society represented by John Pearson and Gillian Wain. The display home/marketing suite was unveiled ahead of marketing to the public.

21 January 2019: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Monitored by Colin Gray. Items included: land north of Netherhouse Copse, Hitches Lane:  the area has outline permission for 423 houses and this application is for 172 market and 79 affordable houses under reserve matters for the site.

21 January 2019: Road names in Hartland Park

Phill Gower writes to Cllr Dai Pearce at Fleet Town Council, on behalf of the Society, to suggest appropriate road names for Hartland Park that reflect the aviation heritage of the site.

8 January 2019: FCCS Committee meeting

Matters discussed included the Pale Lane appeal, Local Plan hearings and the recent Passenger Transport Forum.

7 January 2019: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray. Items of interest included 125–147 Fleet Road (offices opposite Westminster Close) – conversion to flatted development (3 x one bedroom and 20 x two bedroom); 329 Fleet Road – hotel development to amend conditions to permit demolition prior to build (demolition had already begun); Elvetham Bridge House – application to build a three-storey, 5-bedroom house within North Fleet Conservation Area; 18 Regent Street – remaining bungalow in this road to be replaced with two-storey, 4-bedroom house. Notice that the appeal has been dismissed for the Red Cross Centre application to build housing.

18 December 2018: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Monitored by Colin Gray. Items included: 121 Clarence Road, application to build two-storey house after demolition of garage (objections based on out of keeping, excessive height, over-development of site); 38 Guildford Road, two-storey side extension (objections based on out of character with existing properties in terms of mass, height layout and density, poor roof design, access drive adjacent to junction with Cyprus Avenue).

3 December 2018:  Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Monitored by Colin Gray. Items included: 80 Basingbourne Road, two storey extension (objections based on unsympathetic to scale and character of the adjacent properties, would form a new residential development, not an extension to existing property); 3 Castle Street single-side and two-storey front extensions and addition of a first floor over existing footprint (objections based on conversion of bungalow to house represents a new build not extensions to existing, out of keeping with character of the area in terms of mass, height, design and materials); 38 Guildford Road, two-storey side extension (this application returned on 18 December but all objections maintained – see report below).

26 November 2018: Rushmoor and Hart Passenger Transport Forum

Society represented by John Pearson where topics covered included rail news from South Western Railway and results from HCC secondary consultation on proposed changes to supported passenger transport services and the Concessionary Travel Scheme.

20 November 2018: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where the first phase of 185 (of a total of 423) new dwellings on land north of Netherhouse Moor was discussed (outline planning permission previously granted).

12 November 2018: Hart Voluntary Action AGM

Society represented by John Pearson where presentations were made by organisations that had worked in partnership with HVA over the past year. These included Yateley Town Council, Odiham Cottage Hospital Combined Trusts and Dementia Adventure.

11 November 2018: Remembrance activities

Various members of the FCCS Committee attend the service or assist with marshalling or road closure duties.

8 November 2018: Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. There was a presentation by Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation, which now has planning permission to build a new maintenance facility at Farnborough Airport and there was an update on the Airspace Change Proposal. Further information and public exhibitions are being planned during 2019.

7 November 2018: Fleet Town Council meeting

Society represented by John Pearson. Councillors approved the questions to be put to HDC and passed a motion seeking assurance of long-term tenure of the existing Harlington before considering further plans for the Harlington.

30 October 2018: Committee meeting

Matters discussed included the forthcoming Examination in Public by a government inspector of Hart’s proposed Local Plan, and the results of the parish poll regarding The Harlington.

24 October 2018: NE Hants CPRE meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower & Gillian Wain. Presentation by former CPRE Chairman, Peter Waine titled ‘Hart & Rushmoor countryside, worth protecting?’. A disappointing meeting with little time for the promised discussion.

17 October 2018: Fleet Town Council Extraordinary meeting on The Harlington redevelopment

Society represented by John Pearson. The results of the FTC consultation were announced. Councillors decided that questions were to be addressed to HDC about its intentions for the future of the Harlington and adjacent sites.

26 September 2018: Presentation by St Edward Homes on the progress of Hartland Park

Society represented by Phill Gower.

18 September 2018: FCCS Committee meeting

Matters discussed included the Hartland Park developer’s ideas for Fleet Pond and the continuing public debate about The Harlington.

11 September 2018: Objection to application 18/01683 at The Fosse, Pheasant Copse

The FCCS objected to an application for an additional dwelling that further erodes the North Fleet Conservation area.

10 September 2018: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. The meeting included a presentation by the developers of Brook House – a proposal for 500 homes on the site just off Minley Road.

28 August 2018: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. The planning committee objected strongly to converting retail premises at 187–191 Fleet Road to ten flats of one & two bedrooms with no parking provision whatsoever.

21 August 2018: Fleet Parish poll meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower, Gillian Wain and John Pearson.  where local residents voted to hold a parish poll on the subject of The Harlington redevelopment.

7 August 2018: Committee meeting

Topics discussed include Hartland Park and The Harlington redevelopment.

24 July 2018: North Fleet Conservation Area

John Pearson made contact with the Conservation Officer for Hart to confirm that the North Fleet Conservation Area Character Appraisal is considered robust and is not listed on Historic England’s at-risk database.

23 July 2018: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Applicant proposing 31 flats in Albert Street attempts to limit affordable housing on viability grounds – citing the high cost of other infrastructure contribution requirements!

 11 July 2018: Farnborough Airport Airspace Change 

Proposal approved by the Civil Aviation Authority.

9 July 2018: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray where applications discussed included the Red Cross building, Clarence Road: objection to revised application to demolish building and garage and erect eight 2-bedroom flats with associated parking (little had changed since the last application, including out of keeping with local character and street scene); 16 Alton Road: objections to single storey rear extension, integral garage & loft conversion including to the very high “box” roof dormer overlooking neighbour; and 45 Albany Road: objection to extensions to first floor and single storey rear as this would convert a chalet bungalow into a 5-bed house with inadequate parking provision, loss of a bungalow, out of keeping with local character and adverse impact on street scene.

28 June 2018: Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. The meeting included an important discussion about the flight complaints report and the impact of loss of detail following TAG’s strict interpretation of GDPR.

10 June 2018: Fleet Neighbourhood Plan

Society submits a response to the draft Fleet Neighbourhood Plan and encouraging members of the Society to do the same.

12 June 2018: Rushmoor & Hart Passenger Transport Forum

Society represented by John Pearson. Items discussed included a presentation on the secondary consultation which Hampshire County Council will be undertaking on proposed changes to supported passenger transport services and the Concessionary Travel Scheme.

11 June 2018: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray where applications discussed included conversion of 164 Fleet Road (previously Experience clothing shop to a 2-bedroom flat, objected to because of loss of a retail unit in the prime retail sector of the town and lack of any car parking for residents; conversion of 26 Courtmoor Avenue from a chalet bungalow into a house (objection based on over-development, out of keeping with the character of adjacent properties, street scene impact and dominance over adjacent bungalows); rear extension and garage conversion at 26 Burnside to create a granny annexe with separate entrance (objection based on inoperable single-file 3 car parking spaces and potential for a separate dwelling).

4 June 2018: Hart Voluntary Action Forum

Society represented by John Pearson. Topics included the an interdiction to the Hart & Rushmoor Well Being Centre, information about rogue trader activities from Hampshire Trading Standards, and update from the British Red Cross speaker on its new welfare initiative.

9 May 2018: Church Crookham Parish annual residents’ meeting

Dave Bentley and Mike Jebson attended on behalf of the Society and Dave gave a short presentation about FCCS to residents.

9 April 2018: Fleet Town Council planning meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower & Colin Gray. Objections registered against application to build a four-storey hotel in Fleet Road and a modified application to build a dwelling in the garden space of land rear of Heather Hill House, Reading Road North.

4 April 2018: South Western Railway timetable consultation

The results of the consultation last autumn are published and indicate that the current service at Fleet will be maintained, as well the service form Hook and Winchfield. The Society responded to the consultation favouring a retention of services.

16 April 2018: FCCS AGM

Presentations by Phil Douce, Deputy Chair of Civic Voice & Chairman of Worcester Civic Society, on the Big Conservation Conversation campaign and Patric Downes on local Conservation Areas.

3 April 2018: FCCS Committee meeting

Topics discussed included AGM planning and a meeting with Murrell Green developers.

25 March 2018: Fleet Town Council Annual Residents’ meeting

Committee members attended this meeting which included heated discussion on the development of The Harlington.

25 March 2018: Hart draft Local Plan

Society responses submitted by Phill Gower, commenting that office conversions in Hart and the development of Hartland Park with low numbers of affordable dwelling are undermining the effectiveness of the Affordable Housing Policy (H2) and the Housing Mix Policy (H1) and reiterating that the Society strongly supports Hart Council’s view that a new settlement should be planned for within the current plan period.

11 March 2018: Cross Farm (Crookham Village) planning application

Society objects to this resubmission to build 160 units as our view is that this would destroy the character of the village and is contrary to the emerging Local Plan.

4 March 2018: The Harlington redevelopment planning application

Objection to the planning application submitted b the Society, saying that whilst we support the concept of a new facility to replace the existing Harlington facility, we felt the proposal is unacceptably restrained and compromised by the lack of flexibility afforded to the Town Council to deliver the best possible facility for the town.

26 February 2018: Hart Voluntary Action Forum

Society represented by John Pearson where topics discussed included: Fleet Area Time Bank (where members of organisations or individuals can deposit ‘time’ in hourly units representing offers of the time they can spare to volunteer to undertake voluntary work which they would be happy to provide. In return for depositing ‘time’ they can indicate the kind of voluntary help they might like to receive in return); Community-led Housing Schemes; and services offered by Hampshire Legal Services, the County Council’s Legal Team.

22 February 2018: Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. The meeting included a question from the Society about measures in place to prevent attempts to bring illicit substances into the country, following a recent report of cocaine with a street value of £50 million discovered by UK Borderforce on a flight arriving at Farnborough Airport.

19 February 2018: Committee meeting

Matters discussed included planning for the AGM.

12 February 2018: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Redevelopment at 67 Kings Road (the site of the Brakes Estate Office) was discussed. Whilst the application retains the important building of the Estate Office, overlooking and over-development attracted objections from councillors.

6 February 2018:  Fleet Neighbourhood Plan

Phill Gower and Patric Downes met Chris Riley and Dai Pierce to discuss short-list of heritage buildings in the draft Fleet Neighbourhood Plan.

25 January 2018: Hartland Park planning application for advertising hoardings

Society objects to extent of hoardings, namely that the scale and extent of the advertising boards are excessive to the extreme and pose a dangerous distraction for drivers navigating the roundabout. We added that  whilst we have no objection to the design and layout of the marketing suite, we recommend the Council removes permitted development rights to eliminate the possibility of subsequent ‘office conversion’ to half a dozen flats once the sales office is redundant.

22 January 2018: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where yet more office conversions were discussed with no affordable housing. This time at Zenith House, Rye Close, Ancells Park, where the size of dwellings were well under the minimum size guidelines set by Hart Council.

15 January 2018: FCCS Committee meeting

Matters discussed included the next steps in Local Plan development. The Committee warmly welcomes Mike Jebson as a member.

8 January 2018: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray, where applications included Hartland Park application for information centre, access, car parking, landscaping, etc (FTC maintained objections to this as “premature” on the basis that the applicant did not yet have permission for the housing); Fleet Cricket Club, Calthorpe Park construction of practice nets (objection on grounds of consequent loss of tree screen between the cricket ground and tennis courts and risk to roots of retained trees; and 9 Elms Road demolish house and erect two semi-detached 3-bed houses (objection on grounds of over-development of a narrow site and poor parking provision on a narrow road which already suffers from cars parked on pavements due to narrowness of Elms Road). There was also a long debate on the Neighbourhood Plan followed with a strong objection to proposed reduction in The Views open space.

4 January 2018: HDC Full Council meeting focusing on Local Plan

Phill Gower and John Pearson attended on behalf of the Society to observe cross party support for the draft local plan being put forward for submission. The final vote was 27 councillors in favour versus 5 against.

3 January 2018: HDC Cabinet meeting focusing on Local Plan

The second of three Hart meetings to progress the Local Plan. Phill Gower attended on behalf of the Society to observe a detailed discussion for the Local Plan submission to be put to Full Council.

3 January 2018: Fleet Neighbourhood Plan

Society represented by Phill Gower who supported a view that more character properties should to be included within the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

2 January 2018: HDC Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting focusing on Local Plan

Phill Gower and John Pearson attended to observe. One of three meetings to progress the Local Plan. A rather political and bad tempered meeting discussing various amendments and options.

21 December 2017: South Western Railways timetable consultation

Society response to proposed timetable changes in December 2018 sent in by Gillian Wain.

15 December 2017: Ridgeway Parade Post Office Consultation

Letter from the Post Office announcing its intention to proceed with closing the post office branch and relocating it on Aldershot Road.

13 December 2017: Hartland Park discussed at HDC Planning Committee

Application for outline planning for the erection of up to 1,500 dwellings, and primary school together with detailed application for phase 1. Phill Gower and Colin Gray (though in his capacity as Fleet Pond Society spoke against the application.

11 December 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where more flat conversions had been submitted with no affordable housing content, this time at Lorica House, Ancells Park.

23 November 2017: Local Plan meeting of like-minded community groups

Phill Gower met with colleagues from local interest groups to discuss progress of the draft Local Plan.

20 November 2017: FCCS Committee meeting

Matters discussed included plans to close the Ridgeway Parade Post Office and South Western Railways timetable consultation.

13 November 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray. Applications discussed included conversion of Flagship House on the corner of Reading Road North and Harlington Way to flats; demolition of bungalows Oakmede and Millmede on Minley Road to build 35 flats (objection on loss of area character, no affordable housing element, inadequate car parking); change to application for Fleet Mill, Minley Road, to add a second floor to add 18 flats (total 60 with no affordable due to “permitted development” in converting offices to residential).

12 November 2017: Remembrance Service and Parade

Wreath laid on behalf of the Society by John Pearson, whilst other committee members acted as parade marshals.

11 November 2017: Ridgeway Parade Post Office Consultation

Society objects to plans to close the post office and relocate it to the Co-op on Aldershot Road.

9 November 2017: Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. The meeting included a review of aircraft movements, changes at the Airport, and concerns over the number of geese seen near the runway.

8 November 2017: Planning application for The Bailey, Branksomewood Road

Phill Gower speaks on behalf of FCCS at the Planning Committee. The application is to demolish The Bailey and redevelop it to form 14 sheltered apartments including communal facilities, access, car parking, and landscaping.

November 2017: Heritage in Fleet and Church Crookham

Patric Downes and Barry Toms take phots to accompany list of assets of value.

23 October 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where there was discussion about subdivision of a property in Gough Road and objection to 8 new flats on the site of the Red Cross building on Clarence Road.

17 October 2017: FCCS committee meeting

Topics discussed included the local heritage list and South Western Trains consultation.

9 October  2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where the committee considered changes to an application for 193 dwellings at Edenbrook (Hitches Lane) but was hampered by a lack of information as to what had changed.

25 September 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray where the agenda included amended elevations to a block of 50 Extra Care Apartments at Edenbrook; and 36 units at Zenith House, 3 Rye Close, submitted separately as 9 flats, 4 flats and 23 houses.

22 September 2017: Local Heritage List

Patric Downes met the Clerk to FTC to review our list and look at how the Society and FTC could work together to protect heritage and conservation areas in Fleet.

12 September 2017: FCCS committee meeting

Topics discussed included the Local Plan and Hartland Park.

24 August 2017: Hartland Park

Outline planning application discussed at HDC Planning Committee meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to provide steerage to the planning officers and developer as to whether 1,500 houses is appropriate if the other constraints such as affordable housing, housing mix, environmental issues etc can be resolved. Phill Gower spoke on behalf of the Society, raising concerns that agreeing to 1500 homes, even in principle, is both premature and will undoubtedly mean the site in undersold in infrastructure provision.

21 August 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where the agenda included a proposal for extension of a house in Darset Avenue met with objections for inadequate parking.

7 August 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray where applications discussed included 125–147 Fleet Road (application for 40 flats in four-storey blocks following demolition of the two office blocks); Hartland Village application to build an Information Centre, access, car parking, wooden pergola, fencing and others works; Lorica House/Infineon House, Minley Road, offices due to be converted to flats where FTC maintained current objections, seeking full planning application not permitted development.

1 August 2017: FCCS committee meeting

Topics discussed included Hart Lottery and local Conservation Areas.

28 July 2017: Response to our concerns over the withdrawal of Neighbour notification letters

From Cllr Graham Cockarill, Portfolio-Holder for Planning at Hart District Council.

24 July 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray. The only contentious issue was an application for two advertising hoardings, six flags and other advertisement boards for the Hartland Park housing development; FTC considered this premature when no permissions yet granted.

21 July 2017: Draft Rushmoor Local Plan, Policy SP4 Farnborough Airport

Society submits comments on the Plan in relation to policy for Farnborough Airport and in particular on the policy relating to noise and safety which are the issues that cause most concern for residents in our area.

17 July 2017: Neighbour notification letters

FCCS writes to the HDC Cabinet Member for Planning to object to the withdrawal of neighbour notification letters relating to new planning applications, and our concern over possible lapsing of the Conservation Areas.

13 July 2017: Rushmoor and Hart Passenger Transport Forum

Society represented by John Pearson where topics discussed included a Hampshire County Council Passenger Transport Group update, and an update on Stagecoach’s businesses and the services it provides in our area.

10 July 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. The agenda featured a proposal for land at Kennels Lane for SANG to support housing development at Hartland Park.

6 July 2017: Hartland Park planning application

Comprehensive response submitted to HDC covering our concerns over housing density and lack of infrastructure.

6 July 2017: Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. The meeting was fairly routine apart from an item on the Rushmoor Local Plan consultation.

14 June 2017: Fleetwood House (The Briary), Reading Road North

Objections submitted to the planning application to build 60 flats. Sadly, planning permission was granted.

13 June 2017: FCCS committee meeting

Topics discussed included the draft Local Plan and updating Conservation Areas.

7 June 2017: Hart Draft Local Plan

FCCS response submitted.

12 June 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray. Items included 3 Fleet House, Fleetwood Park (Ancells) addition of an upper floor for 14 flats; 154 Connaught Road conversion of a bungalow to a 3-storey 5-bed house (FTC considered this was not an “extension” but should be considered a FULL application).

23 May 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray, Phill Gower and John Pearson. Agenda include demolition of 144 Clarence Road and erection of five houses; land at Elvetham Bridge House Reading Road North erection of one detached house.

10 May 2017: Hartland Park planning application

Society’s initial concerns over the outline planning application quoted in Fleet News & Mail.

9 May 2017: Hart Lottery launch

Society represented by John Pearson.

9 May 2017: FCCS committee meeting

Topics discussed included feedback on the AGM and the Patric Downes’ work on behalf of the Society on a local heritage list and next steps.

8 May 2017: Hart Voluntary Action Forum

Society represented by John Pearson where topics discussed included the new Church Crookham & Fleet Men’s Shed; a presentation by Fleet Lions on their activities; a talk on the Good Neighbours Network; and a presentation on the Fleet Indian Community Group.

8 May 2017: Meeting of local community groups with road closure needs

Phill Gower represented the Society to discuss options if the existing road closure arrangements for community events (such as half marathon etc) had to be subcontracted to private companies.

8 May 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray. Applications included elevation amendments to flats to replace retail and store 16–18 Kings Road (adjacent Clarence Road corner); 2 Reading Road South (adjacent WaterSky restaurant) change of use from retail unit to 4 flats; The Station pub new entrance design with higher level lighting and new porch.

25 April 2017: Hart Draft Local Plan briefing for councillors and local groups

Society represented by Phill Gower. Hart planning officers explain need to uplift housing numbers due to the acute shortfall in affordable housing throughout Hart District.

24 April 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Items on the agenda included 115–123 Fleet Road conversion to six flats; land to rear of 61–65 Albert Street, erection of three houses; land at Grasmere, Chestnut Grove (Fleet Pond end), erection of two 5-bed houses.

21 April 2017: FCCS’s successful listing of Falkner’s Arms as an Asset of Community Value

Covered by the Fleet News & Mail.

19 April 2017: FCCS AGM

The business of the Society was followed by an interesting presentation from Sue Tilley on the recent application for Fleet to become a business improvement district (BID) and the benefits that will bring.

10 April 2017: Falkner’s Arms listed as an Asset of Community Value

By Hart District Council following FCCS’s application.

10 April 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Hartland Park discussed in detail and a long list of objections raised by the committee. Also discussed was the application for Oatsheaf Parade yoga centre conversion to six flats.

28 March 2017: Fleet Town Council Annual Residents’ meeting

Members of the committee attended the meeting and the FCCS had a display board as part of the local groups’ exhibition.

27 March 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Applications included outline application for 1,500 houses and full application for the first 189 houses at Hartland Park.

16 March 2017: Harlington redevelopment consultation

FCCS response submitted.

14 March 2017: FCCS committee meeting

Topics discussed included renewing Civic Voice membership and the Harlington redevelopment.

13 March 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where items discussed included offices Infineon & Lorica, Minley Road, conversion to 20 & 13 housing units respectively; Phases 3–7 Edenbrook development (141 houses); demolition of the Bailey, Branksomewood Road and erection on site of 14 sheltered flats.

9 March 2017: Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley where topics included a review of flight movements in 2016 (aircraft movement numbers remained virtually flat over the past year), and an update on the building of the new exhibition hall 1 for the Farnborough Airshow 2018.

7 March 2017: Harlington redevelopment residents’ Q&A session

Society represented by Patric Downes.

27 February 2017: Hart Voluntary Sector Forum

Society represented by Colin Gray. Presentations included Everyone Active and the new Hart Leisure Centre; Hart Countryside Services, including support for bio diversity projects; and Hampshire County Council’s Connect to Support website.

27 February 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower  and Colin Gray. Amended application to build two substantial new houses at land to the rear

of Heather Hill, Reading Road North, reignited objection from neighbouring properties.

25 February 2017: Harlington redevelopment

Exhibition attended by several committee members to see the three options for refurbishment or redevelopment.

21 February 2017: NE Hampshire CPRE Planning Committee

Attended by Colin Gray.

13 February 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower – yet more office conversions with zero infrastructure funding, this time at 2 Fleetwood Park (Ancells Farm).

9 February 2017: Hart District Council Cabinet meeting to discuss the draft Local Plan consultation

Society represented by Phill Gower & John Pearson.

7 February 2017: Meeting with FACE It and Hook Action Against Overdevelopment

Society represented by Phill Gower to discuss common ground and future approach to Local Plan consultation.

4 February 2017: Hartland Park exhibition

Members of the committee attended this exhibition to review more detailed plans for the first phase of residential development. We raised concerns over the height of the buildings and the amount of infrastructure that will be able to be funded given the decontamination needs of the site (previously home to the National Gas Turbine Establishment).

31 January 2017: Committee meeting

The committee decided not to renew membership of the Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE) because of continuing unease about CPRE policies and the impact on Fleet & Church Crookham of the concentration on brownfield development without adequate provision of infrastructure.

30 January 2017: Fleet Neighbourhood Plan meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. The society tabled a draft listing of assets of community value that it had been working on in recent months.

26 January 2017: Ian Harvey, Director of Civic Voice, speaks at the Yateley Society

Society represented by John Pearson and Gillian Wain.

23 January 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where multiple applications for redevelopment at disused office buildings at 115–123 Fleet Road were discussed.

19 January 2017: FCCS mentioned in Hampshire Life magazine

Piece cited our recent objections to the Elvetham Chase development.

19 January 2017: NE Hampshire CPRE Executive Committee

Attended by Colin Gray.

18 January 2017: Fleet News coverage

Prince of Wales on Reading Road South becoming an Asset of Community Value.

17 January 2017: NE Hampshire CPRE Planning Committee

Attended by Colin Gray.

9 January 2017: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where Hartland Park (Pyestock) again featured – this time to consider a temporary proposal for the site to be used as a film set.

7 January 2017: FCCS meeting with constituency MP Ranil Jayawardena

Society represented by Phill Gower, John Pearson and Gillian Wain.

20 December 2016: NE Hampshire CPRE Planning Committee

Attended by Colin Gray

20 December 2016: Prince of Wales on Reading Road South listed as Asset of Community Value

Following an application by the Society (thanks to Patric Downes) jointly with CAMRA.

19 December 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where substantial applications at Elvetham Chase and proposed redevelopment at Hartland Park (Pyestock) dominated proceedings.

14 December 2016: Fleet News coverage of the Society’s objections to Elvetham Chase (Pale Lane) development

13 December 2016: Committee meeting

Members of the committee volunteer to assist in putting together a list of buildings valued for their heritage aspect for the Fleet Parish Neighbourhood Plan.

12 December 2016: Elvetham Chase (Pale Lane) development

Society submits objections to outline application for the development of up to 700 residential dwellings on the grounds that application is both premature (to the Local Plan consultation, then due in a few weeks) and in the worst possible location with insufficient infrastructure.

5 December 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where a new application for 700 dwellings at Elvetham Chase (Pale Lane, West Fleet) was tabled despite being contrary to the housing consultation earlier in the year.

30 November 2016: Hart Green Infrastructure Strategy seminar

Colin Gray joined the workshop on drainage and flood risk.

23 November 2016: Fleet Festivities

Committee members support with marshalling at this popular event.

16 November 2016: NE Hampshire CPRE Planning Committee

Attended by Colin Gray

13 November 2016: Remembrance Parade

Society Chairman Dave Bentley laid a wreath at Fleet’s war memorial.

12 November 2016: Hartland Park exhibition

Members of the committee attended this exhibition to review plans on the residential development of the site. We raised concerns over the proposed density of the housing and infrastructure funding.

10 November 2016: Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. The Airspace Change Proposal has been undergoing consultation in the Gatwick area. Jenny asked TAG, the airport operators, to investigate a report of increase in reverse thrust noise as aircraft land on the runway.

27 October 2016: Hart’s Local Plan is discussed at Full Council

Society represented by Phill Gower and John Pearson. Phill Gower asked a question on the Society’s behalf.

26 October 2016: Application submitted for the Prince of Wales on Reading Road South to become an Asset of Community Value.

17 October 2016: Pilot 20mph speed limit zone in Albert Street/Albany Road area

Patric Downes from the Society meets HCC Cllr Sharyn Wheale to discuss the project timescale and next steps.

10 October 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. More office conversions in Fleet Road fail to impress as complete lack of affordable housing and poor parking is on the list of objections.

4 October 2016: Meeting with FACE IT and Hook Action Against Overdevelopment

To discuss latest news on the draft Local Plan. Society represented by Phill Gower.

28 September 2016: Pilot 20mph speed limit zone in Albert Street/Albany Road area

The Society corresponds with HCC with regard to timescale on the review of this pilot scheme.

26 September 2016: HVA Voluntary Sector Forum

Society represented by John Pearson. Topics presented included Parity for Disability on its work supporting adults and young people with multiple disabilities, The Vine Centre on their work with the homeless and vulnerable adults to improve their independence and wellbeing, the North East Hampshire and Farnham CCG Making Connections project which is providing community links for patients referred by their GPs and a presentation by Fleet & Crookham Churches Together on the Christians Against Poverty debt advice service provided both locally and nationally.

26 September 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. An applicant in Springwood hedges their bets with simultaneous applications for three proposals for increasingly large plans ranging from unacceptable to very unacceptable.

20 September 2016: Committee meeting.

14 September 2016: Surrey & Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust annual members’ day

Society represented by John Pearson where an update was provided on the Trust’s specialist mental health, drug and alcohol and learning disability services for people of all ages in southern England.

14 September 2016:Listing pubs at Assets of Community Value

Patric Downes met representatives from our local CAMRA branch to discuss collaborating to list more local pubs as ACVs.

13 September 2016: Tree Protection

Colin Gray writes to the Tree Protection officer on behalf of the Society to express concern that Hart DC had recommended a Dawn Redwood as a potential replacement for an oak to be felled and requesting that Hart DC ensures endemic British species are always used to replace a lost British tree.

12 September 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray where applications discussed applications to enclose an area of public land and erection of four houses in a terrace at Ferndale, The Lea, Fleet (objected to on grounds of out of keeping with houses in the area, inadequate parking provided, damage to existing trees and no gardens) and demolition of two cottages and building of two blocks of flats opposite the entrance to N Hants Golf Course (objected to on overdevelopment of the site).

22 August 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Yet another notification for office conversion to residential at Ancells Park is met with almost futile objection since the conversion does not require planning permission under current legislation.

19 August 2016: Civic Voice newsletter

Features an article about the Society listing pubs as Assets of Community value.

9 August 2016: FCCS Committee meeting

25 July 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Proposals to build 423 new houses at Netherhouse Moor at the West of Fleet is met with multiple reasons for objection.

18 July 2016: Hart District Council community resilience workshop

Society represented by Patric Downes.

16 July 2016: Hartland Village Housing Exhibition

Society presented by Phill Gower & Gillian Wain.

12 July 2016: Pale Lane Housing Exhibition

Society represented by Judith Sutherland.

11 July 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. More office conversion to flats fail to deliver amenity and infrastructure, this time at 111–123 Fleet Road.

27 June 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray where applications discussed included a new detached 5 bedroom house on land beside 70 Kings Road (objection that it is out of keeping with neighbouring properties and street scene) and an application to raise the roof of Oak House, Harvest Crescent, Ancells Farm (already with approval to convert to flats) to create a third storey with a further 14 flats (objection based on an ugly conversion to a flatted development, poor design, bulk and street scene.

23 June 2016: Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley, where topics included a discussion of the latest TAG report, and the reason for slow progress on the Airspace Change Proposal and The Farnborough Airport Community Environment Fund.

13 June 2016:Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Triple parking plan (three in a row) for one proposal is met with predictable objection from the Committee.

7 June 2016: FCCS Committee meeting

23 May 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Yes, it’s flats again! – this time an application in Church Road is met with objections.

10 May 2016: Rushmoor & Hart Passenger Transport Forum

Society represented by John Pearson where Neil Beswick from Hampshire County Council’s Passenger Transport department gave an update on the Government’s forthcoming ‘Buses Bill’ and Richard Tyldesley gave an update on commercial services operated by Stagecoach in Rushmoor and Hart, focusing on enhancements in services related mainly to adoption of new technology such as allowing access to real time service information and ticketing via mobile ‘phone apps.

9 May 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Amended application for office conversion to flats in Kings Road still fails to impress.

11 April 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. The site of Fleet Baptist Church is the centre of attention as a proposal for the redevelopment to flats is met with disapproval.

29 March 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Further applications for flats in Kings Road attract objections from councillors.

22 March 2016: Hart Volunteer Recognition Event

Society represented by Dave Bentley. We nominated Sarah Horton for her work on bus services in Fleet and Church Crookham and she received a certificate of recognition.

14 March 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Office conversion to flats in Kings Road attract objections due to lack of parking etc.

8 March 2016: Hart’s Refined Housing Options consultation

Volunteers from Committee handed out leaflets to commuters at Fleet Station.

3 March 2016: FACC meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. Main topics were an update on the airspace change proposal (a decision by the CAA is still on hold until TAG do more work negotiating with general airspace stakeholders and performs more flight simulation exercises to prove the proposal is viable).

1 March 2016: Committee meeting

Discussions focused on the Housing Options consultation and plans for the AGM.

29 February 2016: Friends of Ancells Farm AGM

Phill Gower gave a presentation about the Hart Housing Options Consultation.

10 February 2016: Hart’s Refined Housing Options consultation

Meeting of FCCS, FACE-IT, Hart Observers and Hook Action Against Over Development to discuss the latest status of the consultation and how each group proposed to encourage participation in the consultation.

8 February 2016: Hart Voluntary Sector Forum

Society represented by John Pearson. A presentation given by Hampshire Red Cross included special mention of the relocation of its mobility equipment loan service to premises in Hart Shopping Centre. Other presentations were given by the Citizens Advice Bureau on the local introduction of Universal Credit, by FareShare in Hampshire focusing on fresh food recycling and by Vanguard, a Group supported by the North East Hampshire & Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group, on Community Ambassadors.

8 February 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower, Colin Gray and Patric Downes. The committee considered the Society’s nominations for ACVs and gave its support to the application.

6 February 2016: Hart’s Refined Housing Options consultation

FCCS re-confirms it previous response.

5 February 2016: FCCS submits objection to an extension in Ryelaw Road

It threatens the street scene and amenity of the neighbouring properties.

4 February 2016: Hart’s Refined Housing Options consultation

Consultation starts again. The Society updates its website, revises its campaign leaflets and writes to all members.

28 January 2016: Fleet Neighbourhood Plan housing sub-committee

Society represented by Phill Gower. Further progress made assisted by previous work done by the Fleet Characterisation Study.

28 January 2016: Proposal to remove guards from Govia Thameslink trains

Although Govia Thameslink trains do not pass through Fleet, we were disturbed to learn of its proposal to remove guards from its services. John Pearson wrote to Govia Thameslink on our behalf to express our concerns and also wrote to South West Trains to ask them to confirm they are not considering such a backward step in service.

28 January 2016: Assets of Community Value

Our nominations (see 9 January) are acknowledged by Hart District Council, who has written to the owner and Fleet Town Council for comments.

26 January 2016: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Applications included a particularly unsuitable application for four flats packed into car park area behind shops at 208–210 Fleet Road. The Society has raised objections. Other applications included office conversion to flats in Albert Street with substandard parking.

21 January 2016: Fleet Neighbourhood Planning Meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower and Dave Bentley where good progress was reported from the various input streams including housing and Town Centre sub-groups.

20 January 2016: Committee meeting

Discussions focused on the Housing Options consultation and what we needed to do next, as well as plans for the AGM.

19 January 2016: Hart District Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting

Society represented by John Person and Phill Gower. We wrote to the Chairman of the Committee to raise our concerns over the events that led to the stopping of the Housing Options consultation. At the meeting, the Committee undertook to review what had happened to identify lessons that can be learned.

14 January 2016: Hart’s Refined Housing Options consultation

Consultation is ‘stopped’, one day before the planned end.

11 January 2016: Church Crookham Parish Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower who provided input to the meeting to explain why we felt the New Settlement approach was the only viable option. The Parish Council agreed.

9 January 2016: Assets of Community Value

Our nominations of the Fox & Hounds, Oatsheaf and Old Emporium public houses to have Asset of Community Value (ACV) status are sent to Hart District Council by Patric Downes.

21 December 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting & Extraordinary Town Council meeting

Meeting to discuss the Town Council’s response to the housing consultation. Society represented by Colin Gray and Phill Gower. The Council’s leaflet being sent to all households about the consultation says, “For an in-depth independent review of the issues we would suggest you visit the website of the Fleet & Church Crookham Society. They provide an excellent explanation of the jargon and explode many of the myths of why we need housing at all.”

15 December 2015: Committee meeting

We discussed the feedback we had received to our housing option campaign and planned next steps.

14 December 2015: Fleet Neighbourhood Planning Meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower.

12 December 2015: Hook Parish Council public engagement meeting on the housing consultation

FCCS had a display board on our campaign.

10 December 2015: Hart’s Refined Housing Options consultation

We receive an email from our MP Ranil Jayawardana in answer to the questions we posed to him following publication of his views on brownfield development.

9 December 2015: Hart’s Refined Housing Options consultation

The Society’s views are published in the Fleet News & Mail.

7 December 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where a 2 storey extension in Westbury Avenue was considered that included 13 Velux Windows!

2 December 2015: Hart Council Housing Consultation presentation to Parish Councils

Phill Gower attended as an observer.

27 November 2015: Hart’s Refined Housing Options consultation

The consultation is launched and with it, a major promotion from the FCCS.

25 November 2015: Fleet Festivities

Members of the committee assisted with this popular annual event to mark the start of the Christmas season.

18 November 2015: Hart District Council Cabinet meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower, Gillian Wain and John Pearson who went to observe the discussion on options for housing growth for the draft Local Plan.

9 November 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where objections were raised to an application to convert 46–48 Albert Street to six flats.

8 November 2015:Civic Service of Remembrance

Dave Bentley, Jane Rippon and John Pearson attended on behalf of the Society and laid a wreath at the war memorial. Other committee members helped with traffic marshalling at the Fleet and Church Crookham Acts of Remembrance.

5 November 2015: FACC meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley, where the major item under discussion was the Airspace Change Proposal.

2 November 2015: Fleet Neighbourhood Planning meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where the meeting decided upon core activity streams: Town Centre; Ancells & Business; Design; Green Infrastructure; Housing.

31 October 2015: Fleet Future Open Day

Several committee members attended to see the exhibition and give feedback on the future development of Fleet two centre.

29 October 2015: Hart District Council Full Council meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower. Topics included a presentation from Mark Leahy from ‘Everyone Active’ (the operator of Hart Leisure Centre from February 2016), and next steps for finalising the Housing Options consultation paper.

26 October2015 : Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Colin Gray where applications discussed included plans for a three-storey block of 12 two-bedroom flats on the site of Fleet Baptist Church, Clarence Road (objections based on bulk, adverse impact on street scene, excessive disturbance from car park), siting of a new garage at 18 Westover Road (objections based on excessive concrete surfaces and disturbance to neighbours from car movements), 78A Alton Road (objections based on street scene impact), and two new houses on the site of 59 Elvetham Road (objection on the basis that they are out of keeping with density of the area and have a hazardous exit onto a busy road).

16 October 2015: Paint Fleet Pink quiz night

The committee put an FCCS team into this quiz aimed at raising funds for the Frimley Park Hospital Breast Cancer Appeal and came a commendable fourth place.

12 October 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where applications discussed included an application at Little Bramshot Farm to discharge a previous planning condition to contribute £15,000 contribution to transport as the money had not been spent in the allotted time.

6 October 2015: Executive Committee meeting

The committee discussed the Society’s approach to the next Local Plan consultation and plans to define what the Society stands for.

30 September 2015: Fleet Neighbourhood Plan Vision/Scoping Workshop

Society represented by Phill Gower.

14 September 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where a revised application to convert offices to flats at 2 Kings Road were still considered to be inappropriate.

26 August 2015: Meet the Project Managers at Fleet Station

Gillian Wain and John Pearson attended the drop-in session at Fleet Station to ask questions about the next phase of station refurbishment.

24 August 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where councillors objected to an office conversion to flats at Ancells Farm.

10 August 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where applications in Albert Street and Guildford Road did not meet parking expectations.

4 August 2015: Executive Committee meeting

The committee discussed the Society’s approach to the next Local Plan consultation and progress on the Assets of Community Value project.

27 July 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower & Colin Gray where applications for flatted redevelopments in Clarence Road and Kings Road were met with objections.

6 July 2015: Hart Voluntary Sector Forum

Society represented by John Pearson. With the Government’s Care Act 2014 now coming into force, presentations focussed on a number of significant changes affecting carers. These included presentations about the Diocese of Guildford: Communities Engagement Team, Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire, and the Hart and Rushmoor Young Carers Project.

2 July 2015: FACC meeting

Society represented by Jenny Radley. Topics covered included a presentation on the Airspace Change Proposal.

22 June 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where councillors raised objections to an application to the housing redevelopment of the tyre centre on Kings Road.

8 June 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where objections were raised to applications to create new dwellings at the entrance to Carthona Drive.

19 May 2015: Cluster group meeting of local civic societies

Hosted by the Farnham Society. Society represented by David Bentley and Gillian Wain. Topics of mutual interest included the Aldershot Civic Society’s project to list pubs as Assets of Community Value.

12 May 2015: Executive Committee meeting

The committee welcomed David Bentley and Jane Rippon and started making plans for future Society projects.

27 April 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower & Colin Gray where most objections related to inadequate parking associated with developments.

11 May 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower where his own application for a household extension was fortunately met with no objection!

29 April 2015: AGM of the Fleet & Church Crookham Society

We welcomed David Bentley as our new Chairman, Jane Rippon as a new committee member, and said goodbye to outgoing committee member Andrew Macallan.

13 April 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower & Colin Gray where the owner of Fever Bars gave a presentation on the refurbishment and rebranding of Jaxx nightclub to ‘Moo Moo’.

23 March 2015: Fleet Town Council Planning Committee meeting

Society represented by Phill Gower & Colin Gray where councillors objected to restrictive parking at the redevelopment of retail space at 102–108 Fleet Road.