Below is a Glossary of some of the terms used in this website. You will note that many abbreviations are used within Council business.
Regrettably we do not have the manpower to publish the many more that are hatched each day!
CIL | Community Infrastructure Levy The replacement for Section 106 Developer contributions |
CPRE | Campaign for the Protection of Rural England |
DCLG | Department for Communities & Local Government |
DE/DEA. | Defence Estates / Defence Estate Agency |
DEFRA | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
Delegated Powers | Delegated Powers Not all planning applications are determined by Hart District Council’s Planning Committee as there are simply too many each month. Assuming there are no concerns raised by parish or town council planning committees, planning officers are usually delegated the ability to approve minor applications. Additionally, planning officers are delegated the powers to refuse applications that do not meet with policy requirements. |
DTE | Defence Training Estates |
EA | Environment Agency |
FACC | Farnborough Aerodrome Consultative Committee |
FBP | Fleet Business Partnership |
FCCS | Fleet & Church Crookham Society
(That’s us!) |
GOSE | Government Office for the South East Has powers to over turn Local Authority decisions. |
HAT | Hampshire Action Team |
HCC | Hampshire County Council |
HDC | Hart District Council |
HWP | Hampshire Water Partnership
Group of Suppliers, users and conservers of water rescources ad wetlands. |
HIWWT | Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust |
Integra | Integra Hampshire’s waste recycling and disposal organisation. |
LDF | Local Development Framework |
LPA | Local Planning Authority A term used to describe the organisation responsible for planning matters. In Fleet & Church Crookham the LPA is Hart District Council. |
NE | Natural England Formerly known as English Nature (EN) |
PC | Planning Committee Meeting
This is a formal meeting held at the Hart District Council offices in Harlington Way, once per month (generally on the 2nd Wednesday). This is where the more significant planning applications are either approved or refused. The meeting is attended by the Hart Councillors (who are designated to Planning), the Planning Officers, the Council’s solicitor, and representatives from some of the Council departments, e.g. Highways. There is also a public gallery. Members of the public are not allowed to speak at these meetings unless they have applied for and have been accepted as a designated speaker for or against the particular application being discussed. The meeting follows a formal and often fast moving format, and attending a meeting is useful experience if you are new to the planning process. A reserve date is also set in the frequent event that time does not allow for all applications to be determined in the one evening. |
PSZ | Public Safety Zone (of TAG Farnborough Airport) |
QEB | Queen Elizabeth Barracks
The Housing estate marketed as Crookham Park |
SANGS | Suitable Accessible Natural Green Space Alternative green space provided for dog walkers and the like, intended to mitigate pressure from new development on the Thames Basin Special Protection Area (SPA) |
SINC | Site of Importance for Nature Conservation A designation used in many parts of the United Kingdom to protect areas of importance for wildlife and geology at a county level. |
SPA | Special Protection Area Special Protection areas are strictly protected sites classified in accordance with Article 4 of the EC Birds Directive, which came into force in April 1979. They are classified for rare and vulnerable birds and for regularly occurring migratory species |
SSSI | Site of Special Scientific Interest Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) give legal protection to the best sites for wildlife and geology in England |
TAG | TAG Aviation The aviation company that operates Farnborough Airport |
TPO | Tree Preservation Order |