Hart Draft Local Plan consultation – deadline 5pm this Friday! (9 June)

The deadline for responding to the Hart Draft Local Plan consultation is 5pm this Friday (9 June). This is a Hart-wide consultation and it is vital that the voice of Fleet & Church Crookham residents is heard! We urge everyone to respond: this consultation really is important because without a Plan, housing continues to be determined in an unstructured manner using generic policy washed down from the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
To lend a hand, we have put together suggested responses: this, together with more information on how to submit your response, is available here.
More details about the background to this consultation, what has changed since the previous housing options consultation, and how to access the Draft Local Plan are available in our website’s section dedicated to this.
It’s a busy week for exercising our demographic rights, but please take some time to participate in this consultation, the outcome of which determines where housing will go through to 2032.