Heritage Open Day in Odiham, Hampshire – 16 September 2018

The Odiham Society is honoured that Hampshire timber-framed buildings experts Bill Fergie and Edward Roberts are speaking on Heritage Open Day.

Bill will speak at 3pm on conservation matters and he will share their latest research into ‘transitional’ houses in the 16th century–- as the medieval open hall house gradually evolved into the fully floored and chimneyed house that appeared around 1600.  They will both be available to answer questions and expect to finish at about 4pm.


Bill is a retired architect and town planner, who is currently chair of the Historic Buildings Section of the Hampshire Field Club and Archaeological Society and long time trustee and former chairman of the Hampshire Buildings Preservation Trust. Edward is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and has been researching the history and architecture of Hampshire’s houses for over 30 years. He is the author of “Hampshire Houses 1250-1700 – their dating and development”.

There will be exhibitions of local interest, accompanied by tea and cakes.

Cross Barn Palace Gate Farm, Odiham, Hook RG29 1JX

At 11 am, a guided walk from the Bury will be led by local historian Derek Spruce. The first stop will be the cemetery to see inside one of the two chapels which is not normally open to the public. The cemetery was consecrated in 1860 by the Bishop of Winchester and the chapels ceased to be used in the 1940s. From there it is a short walk to the Almshouses and Pest House which was restored by the Odiham Society (and saved from demolition) in 1981. It is now a mini- heritage centre. The walk will last for approximately an hour. Meet in front of All Saints Church gate in The Bury.